Year: 2021

One of the best things about the holiday season is that it gives us an opportunity to socialize with one another. Many holiday hosts serve alcohol. Sadly, the combination of alcohol and parties leads to an increase in drunken driving. In 2018, drunk drivers caused roughly half of the traffic fatalities on both Christmas Eve and New […]

When people learn that I’m a car accident attorney, they always have lots of questions. One of the most common questions is, “What should I do after a car accident?” While most people know the basics, some drivers make serious mistakes in the days and weeks after an accident. The mistakes drivers make after car […]

A business owner gives its employees keys to the company cars. A parent gives his teen the keys to the family sedan. These people may not think that these decisions could lead to legal trouble – but they could. In Alabama, the doctrine of negligent entrustment could make an owner responsible for the things another […]

Recently, I received a summons for jury duty. The summons made me think about the importance of showing up for jury duty. Jury duty might seem inconvenient or even boring. But before you start searching for ways to get out of jury duty, remember this: Jury service is not only your legal duty; it is your […]

There are two types of tailgating. One involves fans coming together to cook and eat while they cheer on their favorite team. The other occurs when a driver engages in reckless behavior. This second type of tailgating causes thousands of car accidents in Alabama every year. This post about tailgating will help you understand what […]

In Alabama, accidents are a frequent occurrence. According to the state’s most recent data, Alabama drivers have a one in three chance of being in car accidents or trucking accidents that result in injury or death during their lifetimes. Over the past ten years, the number of accidents and injuries in Alabama have increased considerably. While […]

All car accidents – even those that don’t cause injuries or property damage – cause stress. But car accidents that involve vehicles owned by corporations (also known as company cars or company vehicles) present special issues. This post will explain what you can do if you’ve been hit by a company vehicle. What Qualifies as […]

Traffic accidents are common events in Alabama. According to Drive Safe Alabama, in 2019, an auto accident occurred every three minutes. Sadly, these car crashes and trucking accidents often cause injuries. While a physical injury – such as a broken leg – is easy to recognize and diagnose, it can be harder to identify mental or […]

In a perfect world, people injured in car accidents would be able to do nothing more than rest and focus on healing. But in the real world, injured people must also handle financial matters. Dealing with insurance companies and claim denials is part of that process. While you might think that you have an excellent […]

Accidents are upsetting. With most accidents, the injured person gains some comfort from knowing that they can pursue legal action against the other driver and his insurance company. But in a hit-and-run accident, once the other driver leaves the scene, getting compensation for injuries becomes more difficult. Hit-and-run crashes are serious events. In Alabama, they […]