In 2018, there were 24.8 million visits to the doctor’s office for unintentional injuries. Personal injuries not only cost a lot of money in medical bills, but they can also result in many other life-long changes and disabilities.
If you have been the victim of an accident, finding a personal injury lawyer is one way you can be compensated for all of these damages. Are you thinking about working with a personal injury attorney in Birmingham?
Keep reading this guide for five mistakes you should avoid when you hire an attorney.
1. Hiring the Cheapest Lawyer
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you hire a lawyer is choosing the cheapest option. While price is an important consideration, hiring a cheap lawyer will often result in lower-quality services.
Plus, many attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you can hire a high-quality lawyer and you don’t have to worry about paying them unless they win your case.
2. Choosing a Lawyer With No Personal Injury Experience
When you choose a general practice lawyer, they may not have the knowledge necessary to help you win your case. Instead, you need to hire a personal injury attorney that specializes in injury law.
This way, they will know all the different rules and regulations surrounding this area of law.
3. Finding an Attorney Without the Proper Resources
Next, you need to be sure that you hire an attorney that has the right resources to help you with your claim. If you work with a large firm, you will likely have more manpower and resources dedicated to investigating your claim.
Make sure your attorney is willing to do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of your case.
4. Not Prioritizing Communication
When you work with a law firm, you need to be sure that they have great communication skills. This way, you will always be kept up-to-date regarding the status of your case.
A lawyer with great communication skills will also answer your questions more clearly and can help you understand exactly what is going on.
5. Hiring a Lawyer Without Trial Experience
Finally, you should never hire a personal injury lawyer that doesn’t have trial experience. If you are unable to settle your case, you will have to take it to court. If your lawyer is not familiar with courtroom proceedings, this can greatly impact the outcome of your case.
Make sure your lawyer doesn’t simply settle for an insurance company’s low offer. Instead, they should be willing to fight your case in court!
Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?
When you hire a lawyer for your personal injury case, you need to make sure you have the right legal representative on your team. Learning more about these common mistakes can help you avoid hiring unprofessional or inexperienced legal help!
If you need help hiring a personal injury lawyer in Birmingham, Collins Law, LLC can help! Our firm was named the top personal injury attorney in Birmingham, AL, and we can help you recover your damages.
Contact us today to get a case evaluation!