Author: Collins Law, LLC

damaged blue car

Every car accident is unique for those involved. Yet, experts group accidents into categories based on many factors, including the cause of the accident, the location, and the type of impact. While impact might not seem important, collisions tend to follow predictable patterns. Learning these patterns can help you learn to avoid them and prevent […]

flowers on a graveyard

Crash fatalities are common in Alabama. In 2019 – the most recent year for which numbers are available – 930 Alabamans died in car crashes. While this number may not seem large, Alabama ranks fifth in the nation for crash fatalities per capita. In 2019, 19 out of every 100,000 Alabamans died in a car accident. The national average […]

black woman smiling with a yellow car in the background

Summer is traditionally the time to hit the road in search of fun and adventure, and this summer will be no exception. A recent survey found that more than 70 percent of Americans plan to travel this Fourth of July weekend. The survey also found that cars will be the preferred mode of transportation. This summer will […]

injured foot

Car crashes are serious events. While we often focus – rightly so – on fatal car accidents, accidents also cause life-threatening injuries. In 2020, crashes caused nearly 5 million injuries that required medical treatment. In Alabama alone, nearly 50,000 people were injured in car accidents in 2019. These injuries can be temporary or permanently affect a […]

signing a document

In movies and television shows, the legal process works something like this: a person hires an attorney and files a lawsuit. Almost immediately after the lawsuit is filed, the parties appear in court for trial. At trial, the lawyers make passionate speeches and object at every turn. After deliberating for a few minutes, the jury […]

a black woman happily riding a bike

May is National Bike Month! Cycling is one of America’s most popular hobbies. In 2019, nearly 50 million Americans rode bikes on a regular basis. The COVID-19 pandemic caused these numbers to skyrocket as people looked for alternative ways to exercise and socialize. So, today, there are more bikes on the road than at any time […]

paramedic helping a woman on a car accident

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to damages. However, there are many different types of damages. You likely know that you can recover damages for physical injuries, but you can also receive compensation for emotional harms. Lawyers call these damages “pain and suffering.” Damages for pain and suffering can […]


Any accident can cause serious injuries and extensive property damage. But getting hit by a semi-truck is much different than getting hit by a car, truck, or SUV. The average car weighs about 4,000 pounds, but an 18-wheeler can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. Semis are also much longer than cars. So, if a […]

mother and child

Parents want their children to be happy and safe. But car travel poses great risks for kids. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for children aged 5 to 19. Even those who survive car accidents can be left with injuries that last well into adulthood. […]

beautiful black woman smiling on her phone

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Nearly everyone uses social media on a regular basis. Studies show that the average person spends over two hours on social media every day. Because this is an average, some people spend even more time tweeting, ‘tokking’, and ‘gramming’.   As I’ve already mentioned on this blog, using social media while behind the wheel is […]