Author: Collins Law, LLC

Accidents can cause physical injuries and financial losses. Drivers usually need money to pay their medical bills and fix their vehicles. Dealing with insurance companies is the first step in that process. This post will help you know what not to say to an insurance company after an accident. Although this post focuses on how […]

People often ask, “What should I do after an accident?” As a personal injury attorney, I know that it’s crucial to get information at the scene of an accident. But I also know that an accident can ruin your day. With so many emotions flowing, it’s hard to focus. To make things easier, I’ve created […]

Years ago, if you needed a ride but didn’t have a car, your only options were calling a taxi, borrowing a car, or asking a friend for a ride. But rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft changed everything. Today, nearly 40 percent of American adults use ridesharing services; many use them on a daily or weekly basis. […]

If you enjoy watching movies or television shows about lawyers, you’ve likely heard the phrase “burden of proof” many times. But courtroom dramas and procedural shows usually don’t explain what a “burden of proof” is or why it matters. This post will shed some light by explaining who has the burden of proof in Alabama […]

Whether it’s beer at the ballgame, wine with dinner, or mimosas at brunch, alcohol is a major part of American culture. While an occasional drink isn’t necessarily harmful, drinking even one drink before getting behind the wheel of a car can be deadly. This article will help drivers better understand the dangers of drinking and […]

December marks the beginning of winter. While winter brings fun activities like sledding, snowmobiling, and ice skating, winter weather can make one daily activity – driving – just a bit more complicated. This article provides some helpful winter weather driving tips for Alabama drivers. Alabama’s Winter Weather Because Alabama is so far south, people might […]

For most adults, driving is a daily activity. Most people drive to work each morning and home each afternoon. Even those who don’t drive to work often drive children to school, drive around town to finish errands, or drive to appointments. While most driving happens during the day, people also drive at night for many […]

Learning to drive is a rite of passage for any teen. Driving represents a move from childish activities to more adult responsibilities. However, teen drivers have unique qualities that make driving riskier. This guide will explain how parents and caregivers can help their teens drive safely. The Facts About Teen Drivers Most parents know that […]

After a car accident or other serious incident, you may think about hiring an attorney. However, if you aren’t an attorney or haven’t met with a lawyer before, you may not know all the terms that lawyers use. This guide will help you better understand the common personal injury terms, words, and phrases used in […]

If you’ve been injured, you might have heard the phrase “contributory negligence.” But unless you are an attorney, you might not understand this term or what it means for your lawsuit. The following guide will explain Alabama’s contributory negligence laws and how contributory negligence in Alabama affects your ability to recover damages after an accident. […]