Author: Collins Law, LLC

August means children are heading back to school. Though many children will be learning online this year, a number of school districts will be holding in-person classes. With school buses – and their precious passengers – returning to the road, now is a good time for drivers and parents to review the basics of back to school […]

Even the most careful drivers sometimes find themselves involved in fender benders. While all accidents – even minor ones – cause emotional and financial stress – getting hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver can create even more problems. Insurance is key to protecting yourself from uninsured drivers and underinsured drivers. Uninsured Drivers and Underinsured […]

Summer offers infinite opportunities for fun in the sun. While all seasons have their pleasures, summer has cookouts, grilling, fireworks, road trips, swimming, boating, and so much more. It’s no surprise, then, that many people look forward to summer all year. Although summer activities are fun, summer’s seasonal hobbies also present unique dangers. This article […]

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed nearly 2,900 lives in 2018 alone. Unfortunately, drivers are becoming more and more distracted when operating a motor vehicle resulting in an increase in accidents year after year. Car accidents caused by distracted drivers are all too common in Alabama and throughout the United States. […]

We are proud to announce that April Collins, founder of Collins Law, LLC, was recently named a Top Attorney in Birmingham, Alabama by Birmingham Magazine. The announcement came about as a result of the magazine’s annual polling of nearly 4,000 attorneys and affiliates registered with the Birmingham Bar Association. Top attorneys are selected across more than […]

In a personal injury case, you may be entitled to claim damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of earning capacity, or expenses associated with wrongful death. Your lawyer will work with you to estimate your damages and submit compelling evidence of your claim to the insurance company. […]

Athens, Alabama Community Legal Forum We are excited to announce that on March 7, 2020, Collins Law, LLC will be hosting the Know Your Rights community forum at the Trinity High School Pincham-Lincoln Community Center in Athens, Alabama. This is a FREE educational series open to the public. The first session will be a discussion of Criminal […]

If you are injured in an auto accident in Alabama, you should first seek medical attention from a licensed medical professional. You should visit the ER immediately even if you believe that you are not injured. A complete medical evaluation will help your doctor identify injuries related to the accident. If your doctor gives you a […]

When you have been injured in a personal injury case, you may expect the at-fault party to compensate you for your damages, which may include medical expenses, lost pay during recovery, or pain & suffering. Before you can establish liability and recover damages, however, you need to have a general idea of what your case […]