Category: Auto Accidents

man using a calculator

As an Alabama personal injury attorney, one of the most common questions I get is, “How much is my car accident case worth?” This seemingly simple question doesn’t have an easy answer. Some people will try to tell you that there is a magic formula you can use to determine the value of your car […]

hundred dollars cash

If you’ve been in a car accident, your first focus should be on healing from your injuries. Unfortunately, getting help for car crash injuries comes at a price. In America, the average total medical costs after an accident can range anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000. Some people believe that this is no big deal because the victim […]

money placed between the gavel and the base

After you’re injured in a car accident, your primary focus will be on healing. But after you recover, you’ll likely see a troubling financial picture. If your injury affected your ability to work, you may have fallen behind on your bills. Worse, the car accident may have created a whole new set of bills and […]

woman looking out the passenger seat window

Even if you have a vehicle of your own, at some point, you’ll likely be a passenger in someone else’s car. Most of the time, the worst thing about being a passenger is not being allowed to pick the music. But if there’s a car accident, being a passenger suddenly becomes a more serious issue. […]

a mother placing child in a car seat

At best, even minor accidents cause stress and aggravation. At worst, accidents cause injuries and death. While no one should suffer through the effects of a car accident, it’s particularly bad when innocent children are hurt because of another’s negligence. Unfortunately, Alabama personal injury attorneys often see cases involving injured children. When a child is […]

giving a car key

You’re driving along when another driver hits you. You exchange information. Then you learn that the person who hit you didn’t own the car. What should you do? Many people borrow or share cars to go to work, transport children, or run errands. This article will provide helpful information about what to do if the […]

holding a car key

A business owner gives its employees keys to the company cars. A parent gives his teen the keys to the family sedan. These people may not think that these decisions could lead to legal trouble – but they could. In Alabama, the doctrine of negligent entrustment could make an owner responsible for the things another […]

car crash

All car accidents – even those that don’t cause injuries or property damage – cause stress. But car accidents that involve vehicles owned by corporations (also known as company cars or company vehicles) present special issues. This post will explain what you can do if you’ve been hit by a company vehicle. What Qualifies as […]

drivers calling insurance after the car accident

In a perfect world, people injured in car accidents would be able to do nothing more than rest and focus on healing. But in the real world, injured people must also handle financial matters. Dealing with insurance companies and claim denials is part of that process. While you might think that you have an excellent […]

flowers on a graveyard

Crash fatalities are common in Alabama. In 2019 – the most recent year for which numbers are available – 930 Alabamans died in car crashes. While this number may not seem large, Alabama ranks fifth in the nation for crash fatalities per capita. In 2019, 19 out of every 100,000 Alabamans died in a car accident. The national average […]