5 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Birmingham


You need to rest and recover while also getting the compensation you deserve after a car accident. This is why you should hire a lawyer to help you do that.

Did you know there are over 150,000 crashes in Alabama in a single year?

After a car accident, it can be a long and frustrating process to get closure. The accident could injure you, damage your car, and put you in financial disarray. But you might not be sure that you actually need to hire a lawyer.

Believe it or not, there are more times that you should call a car accident lawyer than you might think. In this guide, we’ll show the 5 times you stand to benefit from the help of a car accident attorney.

1. Hire a Lawyer to Ensure Maximum Compensation

You might think it’s obvious what the financial damage is. Damage to the car and damage to yourself. But there might be other things you didn’t take into account.

For example, incapacitation that prevents you from working means you’re entitled to workers compensation. Your family might be owed compensation for a loss of companionship. The point is, hire a lawyer to find out how much you’ll really get.

2. If Everything Seems Okay

Sounds counterintuitive, right? If the car only got a minor ding, and you got some whiplash, all is well. But that might not be the case.

For example, whiplash might seem minor but could get much worse over time. A dent on your bumper might appear like superficial damage. But then later, it proves to be serious structural damage.

The point is, a car accident lawyer could help you get compensation for things that get worse later on.

3. If You’re Not Sure About the Law

Even if your crash was straightforward, the law is a complicated thing. There might be laws that the other party broke beyond your awareness. Or, you might involuntarily incriminate yourself by admitting to something.

Whatever the case, trust a car accident attorney. They know the legal landscape, and they’ve seen it all. They’ll make sure they’ve dotted all the legal i’s and crossed the legal t’s.

4. If You Want a Fair Insurance Payout

Everyone knows that insurance companies are incredibly stingy with their payouts following a claim. After an accident, they will attempt to stiff you. It’s not in their interest to give you an appropriate sum.

The best lawyer will fight tooth and nail to get you the best compensation. They know what buttons they need to press to receive fair compensation. Without their help, you’d be left to fend for yourself.

5. If You Don’t Want to Fight a Case Alone

If you need to sue the other responsible party, you’ve got only one shot. But since you’re not a car accident lawyer, you might have a difficult time. The other party might have a skilled lawyer that shoots down your case, making it impossible for you to sue again.

You need to hire a lawyer. They’re your best legal defense, and they handle cases like this all the time. They’re your best bet at navigating tricky legal proceedings and ensuring a successful suit.

Hiring a Lawyer Near Me

A car accident can be a devastating tragedy–but the end result doesn’t need to be. There are a lot of reasons why you should hire a lawyer for your case. They’ll ensure the best compensation and guide you through the intricacies of the law.

Residents of Birmingham, you have a friend in your neighborhood. Contact Collins Law, LLC today and obtain representation after a car accident.

At Collins Law, LLC, we believe everyone who experiences a personal injustice should be heard. No one should feel powerless against someone whose reckless or careless behavior causes a serious accident. That’s why our mission is to provide accident victims with the personal attention, the legal know-how, and the voice they need to get the compensation they deserve.