Summer Safety: Avoid Personal Injuries This Summer

black kid swimming

Summer offers infinite opportunities for fun in the sun. While all seasons have their pleasures, summer has cookouts, grilling, fireworks, road trips, swimming, boating, and so much more. It’s no surprise, then, that many people look forward to summer all year.

Although summer activities are fun, summer’s seasonal hobbies also present unique dangers. This article will explain some of the common dangers associated with summer activities. It will also explain how property owners and others can avoid injuries.

Summer Safety: Injuries at Home

Injuries at home can be serious. According to the National Safety Council, falls are the number one cause of non-fatal injuries and the third-highest cause of death. Falls can be especially dangerous for older persons.

Summer creates conditions that increase the risk of falling. In summer, families are more likely to use patios, sidewalks, decks, and other outdoor spaces. But rains can make these areas slippery. Strong summer storms can dislodge loose rocks or tiles. Heat causes sidewalks to crack. People leave tools and toys laying in the yard. Summer footwear like sandals and flip-flops do not provide stable footing. Taken together, these conditions make falls a common summer injury.

Homeowners can protect their guests by taking simple steps. Check all walkways and outdoor spaces. Pay special attention to uneven concrete, broken tiles, loose boards, broken stairs, uneven paving, and other fall hazards. Repair or replace any damage immediately. Repairs take little effort but can prevent costly injuries and lawsuits.

Summer Safety: Safety In and Around the Water

Summer is the perfect time to take a dip in a pool, go for a boat ride, or fish at a lake. These fun water activities can be dangerous if not done safely. In 2017, 163 children drowned in pools from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Also, the Coast Guard reports that over 630 people die in boating accidents.

Luckily, drowning and other pool injuries can be avoided. Pool owners should make sure that their pool has appropriate fencing so neighborhood children can’t go into the pool without an invitation. Those who visit pools should strictly enforce a “No running by the pool” rule. (Water splashes mean that pool edges are nearly always slippery and ready to cause a dangerous fall.) Adults should also make sure that all children they bring to the pool are adequately supervised at all times.

To boat safely, boaters should follow all navigation rules (the “rules of the road” for boats). Also, because alcohol is the leading cause of boating accidents, never operate a boat while under the influence.

Summer Safety: Safety on the Road

Most people would guess that ice and snow would make winter the most dangerous season for drivers. Believe it or not, more car accidents occur in summer than in winter. Accidents are 30 percent more likely to occur in June, July, and August. There are several reasons for this. Summer means road trips, so there are more drivers on the road. (There are also more bicyclesmotorcycles, and pedestrians.) Summer is also the season for road construction, which means another obstacle for drivers to address. In addition, the summer heat can cause tire damage and blow-outs.

Drivers can avoid summer accidents by following simple rules. First, drivers should obey all signs, particularly the speed limit. Drivers should also follow the rules of the road. Avoid distracted, aggressive, or impaired driving at all costs, as these behaviors increase the risk of an accident or personal injury.

Speaking of cars, while this danger doesn’t directly involve driving, parents and other adults should be aware of the danger of heatstroke. Last year, 52 children died because they were trapped in a hot car. On a 70-degree day, the interior of a car can reach 104 degrees in just 30 minutes. Imagine how hot a car can get in the sweltering Alabama summer. To avoid heatstroke, parents and caregivers should never leave children unattended in a car on a summer day, not even for a moment.

Summer Safety: Dog Bites

You might be surprised to learn that dog bites are more likely to happen in the summer. Experts aren’t exactly sure why this is so, but there are a few theories. Irritability caused by hot weather could be a factor. Summer activities and travel might bring dogs into unfamiliar, stressful situations. Children at parks might tease dogs, pull their tails, or otherwise disturb them. Whatever the reason, the fact is that Fido and friends are a little more excitable in summer.

Dog owners can help prevent bites by keeping their pooches calm. Avoid putting dogs into stressful situations without good reason. (For example, most dogs do not like fireworks, so taking a dog to a fireworks show is not a good idea.)  Keep your dog leashed. Enroll your dog in an obedience class to teach good behavior.

Those who don’t own dogs can also prevent dog bites. Do not approach unfamiliar dogs without permission. If the owner invites you to play with a dog, let the dog sniff you before you touch it. Children should also follow these rules. In addition, teach children not to threaten or tease animals.

Summer Safety: Avoid Personal Injuries

Summer is filled with fun, but an injury can ruin a sunny summer day in an instant. If you believe that you have suffered a personal injury because of someone else’s negligence, contact Collins Law, LLC. Collins Law, LLC provides exceptional customer service and legal advice to personal injury clients in Birmingham, Alabama and the surrounding areas.

At Collins Law, LLC, we believe everyone who experiences a personal injustice should be heard. No one should feel powerless against someone whose reckless or careless behavior causes a serious accident. That’s why our mission is to provide accident victims with the personal attention, the legal know-how, and the voice they need to get the compensation they deserve.